I'm Nitish Kumar Miglani

A computer science student passionate
about programming and design.


About me.

My name is Nitish Miglani. I'm a Btech student at Chitkara University Computer Science Department. I was born in ambala but raised at different locations in india like kolkata,Nasik,Banglore,Chandigarh etc as my father is in Defence(Indian Air Force).

I did my schooling from Kendriya vidyalaya 47, Chandigarh.

I like to travel. I believe travelling gives you a new perspective to everything. You get to know a lot about the different cultures, the cuisines, their history, the language and all the small unique things every place has to offer.

My Skills


Full Stack Web Developer

I can create beautiful and purposeful websites with modern UI elements, using different API resources and database elements.


Java Developer

Being a very big Java fan, I love to create java based programs which can help certain companies.


CPP Developer

I have Good knowledge of writing code using C/C++,and also Basic understanding of database administration.


Python Developer

I am passionate about python,As we need to do less and get more

Get In Touch

If you want to hire me as an intern.

Want to hire as an intern? I can help you create websites and apps.

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